Future Graduates Program

1 in 2 fail to obtain a secondary degree within state education.*

El riesgo de deserción escolar afecta mayormente a los jóvenes que viven en contextos vulnerables dónde la problemática asciende a 7 de cada 10.* La necesidad de comenzar a trabajar tempranamente es uno de los principales motivos que afecta a la obtención del título secundario. La desmotivación, la repitencia, las dificultades económicas, la necesidad de salir a trabajar, el embarazo adolescente y las tareas de cuidado son algunas de las problemáticas que desencadenan en el abandono escolar.**

The risk of dropping out of school mostly affects young people who live in vulnerable contexts where the problem amounts to 7 out of 10.* The need to start working early is one of the main reasons that affects obtaining a secondary degree. Demotivation, repetition, economic difficulties, the need to go out to work, teenage pregnancy and care tasks are some of the problems that trigger school dropouts. * *

The Future Graduates program seeks to improve the passage through secondary school and promote the effective graduation of students accompanied by Cimientos.

Future Graduates accompany young people between 12 and 18 years old in situations of social vulnerability so that they can finish secondary school and plan their future with more and better opportunities.

Each of the young people receive a monthly financial scholarship and personalized tutoring through which the development of socio-emotional skills is promoted andcontribute to improving their educational career and acquiring skills for the future.

*Source:  Martín Scasso and Victoria Río (2021): Estimation of indicators of school trajectories through the secondary level for students of low socioeconomic status. Buenos Aires. Quantitas Foundation.

** UNICEF-OEI (2023). Adolescents, young people and secondary education. Buenos Aires: UNICEF-OE


Scope 2023

scholarship holders



The young people accompanied by Cimientos:

* Source: Analysis based on survey results:  Martín Scasso and Victoria Río (2021): Estimation of indicators of school trajectories through the secondary level for students of low socioeconomic status. Buenos Aires. Quantitas Foundation.

** Source: (2020) Monitoring of graduates and pending 2019. Document prepared by the Evaluation area of ​​Fundación Cimientos.