A better future
is possible

For more young people in school

1 in 2 fail to obtain a secondary degree within common education.*

In vulnerable populations the problem rises to 7 out of 10. The need or obligation to start working is one of the main reasons for dropping out of school.*

58,4% of children and adolescents in Argentina live in poverty.**

* Source: Based on survey results: Martín Scasso and Victoria Río (2021): Estimation of indicators of school trajectories through the secondary level for students of low socioeconomic status. Buenos Aires. Quantitas Foundation.

** Source: INDEC. First semester 2023.


A better future through education is possible!

We are a civil society organization that since 1997 has implemented programs that favor permanence and graduation from secondary school , improve the quality of education and promote educational continuity and/or labor insertion of young people who live in vulnerable contexts.


of the graduates accompanied by Cimientos continue studying and/or working.

Source: (2020) Monitoring of graduates and pending graduation 2019. Document prepared by the Evaluation area of ​​Fundación Cimientos.

If you believe in education as a priority for the development of our country, join us and let's transform stories together.